Pope Francis has been surprising modern day thinkers and observers with his own beliefs since his rise in Vatican. He has kept everyone surprising for 2.5 years now over his thinking on various social issues. According to a recent study, the majority of the US Catholics have the similar point of view as of Pope Francis and it is a very surprising situation.
Recently, the results of a valuable study are out on Wednesday done by the Pew Research Center. The results suggest that a normal Amercian Catholic doesn’t feel any kind of problem to use contraceptive methods or even to live in live-in relationship or may with outside marriage as long as the couple is happy.
Pope Francis
On a surprising note, it has been found that almost half of the total Catholics doesn’t recognize gay marriages as well as lesbian couples on the contrary to the people who think that it should be there in place.
These findings are released after Pope Francis commented on a very important and thornier topics of his tenure – abortion.
On Tuesday, he shared his beliefs that priests can forgive women for doing the sin of abortion if they are feeling guilty regarding it. The Vatican published a letter stating that the priests will get the power to do the same in the special “Holy Year of Mercy” which will start in December.
A survey was conducted on 5,122 people by Pew. The results of the study are as follows, 57% of them feel that terminating a pregnancy is sinful, but the issue of pregnancy ranks lower w.r.t. other top 10 beliefs to be a Catholic. Only one-third of the people believed that opposition abortion is essential to be a Catholic, on the other hand, two-third of them responded that “having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ” was essential.
Like the research was done and results delivered, it was asked to rank the essential beliefs from Catholics, but it was left unprecedented. This simply suggests that they don’t have enough data from the past.
Till date, Pope Francis has made several controversial statements regarding gay marriages, divorce, and contraception since 2013 spring.
The same survey of Pew revealed that 66% Catholics, 3% higher than a typical American, believe that there is nothing kind of a sin for the usage of contraception.
Moreover, Pew unveiled that 59% Catholics agreed to that it would be definitely allowed by 2050 while a majority part of the society, about 75% said that it should be allowed.
Furthermore, the Pope said that he is nobody to judge gays and lesbians’ marriages and they should have equal rights as a normal person have. All are our brothers, they should not be marginalized and their special tendency is not a problem.