Quantico Season 1 Episode 17 Review: In the beginning of the episode, we see Simon Asher meeting up with Ryan Booth. He is telling Ryan about Alex’s recent activities and her plans for future. But later we come to know that Simon was just pretending to betray Alex. He used the meeting to put a bug on Ryan so that they could keep track of Ryan. (read: Vinyl S1E9 review.)
Ryan has some information on a CIA asset, and he wants to see it. Liam sets up the meeting, making Simon take Hannah’s place meanwhile. Alex wanted this meeting to take place so that she could abduct the asset.
Quantico Season 1 Episode 17 Review
Meanwhile, we see in the flashback that Ryan is assigned as a counselor in Miranda’s absence. The trainees are also given a list of offices to choose from, for they would be the places they would work at after they become agents.
In class, they are taught things about the problem of human trafficking and how traffickers figure out new ways to fool the authorities. They are trained to look for the suspicious aspects of any traveler’s personality or traits. Caleb is persuading Shelby to meet her parents.
Raina and Nimah are trying to keep the twin project alive. Alex and Ryan have a talk about keeping things professional between them, and Perales is getting close to Alex.
The trainees are taken to the Canadian airport and are told that they would need to get back to US soil illegally like human traffickers do. They are stripped of their passports and are paired up. Alex pairs up Perales even after being paired up with someone else.
In the present, the meeting between Booth and the asset is set up at a remote location. Simon and Alex get there before Ryan does, and they meet with the asset, only to be revealed that he is none other than Will Olsen. They break him out and rescue him out of CIA’s hands.
He tells them that he hacked into classified information belonging to the government. Most important of all, he remembers the nuclear codes. So, in a way, he could help the Voice in starting the third World War.
On the other hand, in the past, trainees use different methods to get into US. Nimah and Raina beat everyone else to take the top spot and they got to choose their choice of office.
Whereas, in present, Alex is forced to deliver both Simon and Will to the Voice by dropping them off in a car. In the end, it is revealed that Shelby was the driver of the car.
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