Indian television drama series Kumkum Bhagya is going to take some new twists and turns as Alia has been caught by Abhi. Abhi got clued that Alia has information about the person who tried to kill Pragya and told Alia to call up that person to meet in personal. In the video released by an entertainment agency, NNIS it can be seen that Abhi will try to catch the killer but he will run from his hand this time also.
In the recent days, we have seen that Vijay has accidently tried to kill Bulbul instead of Pragya in Kumkum Bhagya. Abhi who was earlier an enemy of Pragya has joined her in this mission to catch the culprit Vijay. While trying to catch the killer, Abhi goes up serious and hard hit him with a bamboo rod which result in damage in his leg. Having conviction in running away from Abhi, Vijay somehow manages to escape from the place.
Watch the video here, how Pragya and Abhi tries to catch the culprit of Bulbul’s condition but failed to do so.
Since Alia has called up Vijay for the meeting she was also present there in a Burka but before the moment Pragya was about to reveal her face, something happened and Pragya’s effort proved worthless this time also. Popular for her fast plannings, Pragya will help Abhi this time to catch Vijay but the scene doesn’t seem to be fruitful.
It would be interesting to see whether the killer Vijay, took the money from Alia or walk away from their life preventing himself. Whatever the upcoming series will bring, it’s going to be extraordinary episode series of Kumkum Bhagya.
Oh God help me to be Like Pragia.