Arrow Season 4 Episode 17 Review: “Beacon of Hope” was this week’s episode’s title and hope were it all about. This episode gave us further insight into Oliver and Felicity’s equation after their breakup. We also got to see an old villain turn up, and we got to see a new addition in Team Arrow. (check: Zaha Hadid dies.)
The episode begins with Brie Larvan, whom we saw earlier in a Flash episode. She orchestrates her release from the prison by hacking into the server and gets released earlier than the day assigned.
Arrow Season 4 Episode 17 Review
We then see Team Arrow, of which Felicity is not a member now, practicing in their bunker. Oliver is clearly affected by his breakup with Felicity and is going too hard on the team. Meanwhile, Felicity’s mother visits her daughter to save her from the hard time Felicity is going through after the breakup.
Thea visits Felicity to ask her for a favor. At the same time, Brie attacks the Palmer Tech building and takes the board members hostage. She wants the chip which enables Felicity to walk in exchange for the safe return of the hostages. Brie’s robotic bees have sealed the building, so Felicity, Thea, and Donna are trapped inside the building.
Curtis tries to help the Green Arrow in rescuing Felicity and in his efforts in doing so, he makes his way inside the bunker. This is kiddish. Every other character on the show knows about secret identities of Team Arrow and Flash. This takes away the point in having a secret identity. They might as well announce their real identities on the television.
Nevertheless, with Felicity gone, Curtis takes responsibility of managing the technological end of the team. Arrow, Black Canary, and Spartan try to make their way inside the Palmer Tech building, but Arrow gets stung by a bee which enters his body and starts multiplying inside his body. He is saved by Black Canary after Curtis suggests a solution. But they would now have to devise another way to tackle the bees as they adapt to threats.
All this while, Damien Darhk is inside the prison and is abandoned by his colleagues at HIVE. He is threatened for his life inside the jail but he hustles his way and ultimately becomes successful in ensuring his safety.
With Curtis and Felicity’s help, Brie Larson is defeated and hospitalized. It is revealed that Andy Diggle still works for Darhk. This episode was a good one, with women taking the center stage in every aspect of the show. With Andy at Darhk’s side, the future events would sure be exciting.