India’s Largest Bank, State Bank of India – SBI Clerk Recuirtment 2018 forms were filled up and closed for further registrations recently. One of the most in demand post following the SBI clerk exams is Junior Associate in State Bank of India branches. The Admit card for SBI Clerk Recuirtment 2018 is expected to released in the following days. Do check the details to get your admit card.
Name of the Recuirter: State Bank of India
Job Type: Goverment Job
Examination name: SBI Clerk Recruitment 2018: Junior Associate
Exam Date: TBA
Admit Card release date: 6th June 2018
The expected date for forms release is 6th of June, however the same could be delayed based on situations.
Also See: IBPS PO Exam 2018 Prelims and Mains Dates Announced: Recruitment News
As per the latest information from media sources, SBI have already uploaded the admit cards on server and they will be accessible to the public and cand idates from tomorrow onwards. The SBI aspirants who have earlier applied will be able to download the same.

Steps to download SBI Clerk Recruitment admit card:
- Visit the State Bank of India Official Website at
- In the latest announcement section, Click at the link with line showing ‘SBI Clerk Prelims Admit Card 2018’
- Enter your registration id and password (Can be checked from Email id and confirmation message)to download your hall ticket
- Click on submit
- Download your admit card
- Don’t forget to take a print out by pressing (Ctrl+P) of your admit card for future references. The servers could go down because of heavy traffic so never forget to save the document and at least take a screenshot.
SBI Clerk Examinations paper pattern: There would be two exams in total namely Preliminary and Mains exam.
Preliminary exam:
The SBI Clerk Preliminary exam will have total of 100 questions further divided into three sections:
- English language
- Numerical ability
- Reasoning ability
Candidates will be given a total of one hour to solve all the 100 questions.
Mains Examination
SBI Clerk mains examination can be further divided on these secions
- General/financial awareness
- General English
- Quantitative Aptitude
- Reasoning ability and computer aptitude
Candidates qualified for Mains examinations will be alloted two hours and forty minutes to solve the questions in given paper.
After the initial screening on Preliminary Examination and Mains Examination stage, the students will have to qualify test of specified opted language as well.
So get ready to download the admit cards from tomorrow onwards as they could be made available online anytime soon.