The most important banking examination of India, IBPS aka The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) finally released official dates for the examinations to be conducted in the upcoming months for different positions. The examination dates include IBPS PO Exam, CWE Clerk, RRB, PSB and PO exams.
All the candidates who had earlier paid the fees successfully and waiting for the exam dates can keep their admit card handy while checking the date.
Important factors to be considered while checking the date
- Exam Centre Location – Do check for Pin Code of the centre as well
- Date of the examination – Do check the Correct Time and Date of Examination
- Paper code – Correct paper code of which exam to be given.
Since a short time left for the examinations lets quickly move forward to checking exam date for your IBPS PO Exam.
As per the latest noticifation on Institute’s official website, the exams for the post of probationary officer will begin from 13th October onwards while the exam date for Clerk post examinations is decided to be 11th August.
IBPS Probationary Officer Post:
- Preliminary examination (1st Stage for Qualification): 13th October, 14th October, 20th October, 21st October
- Main examination (2nd Stage) : 11th November 2018.
IBPS Clerks Post:
- Preliminary examination: 8 December, 9 December, 15 December, 16 December.
- Main examination: 20 January 2019.
IBPS Specialist officers
- Preliminary examination: 29 December, 30 December 2018.
- Main examination: 27 January 2019
IBPS RRB CWE (Officer Scale I and Office Assistants)
- Preliminary examination: August 11, August 12, August 18, August 19, August 25, September 1, 2018.
- Single examination: September 30, 2018
IBPS Main examination
- Officer Scale I: September 30, 2018
- Office Assistants: October 7, 2018.
IBPS PO Exam pattern 2018:
For IBPS PO Exam, the examination pattern is bit different from general examinations. There would be three sections of 100 marks each making it a paper of 300 marks in total and for each set you would be given one hour. So candidate essentially need to solve a section of 100 marks in 1 hour.
The pattern for exam would be as follows
First Section – 30 Marks – 30 Questions – General English
Second Section – 35 Marks – 35 Questions – Quantitative Aptitude
Third Section – 35 Marks – 35 Questions – Reasoning Ability
All the sections and parts of the examination are compulsory. students are advised to divide the time accordingly and peroform the best.