The 18-year-old Shreya Lenka became the first Indian K-pop star on Thursday, May 26, 2022. She hails from Orissa state and was named as the fifth member of the widely famous group Blackswan. Sriya Lenka went through a rigorous journey which began in 2020 during the COVID lockdown. At the time, she started giving auditions to K-pop bands.
After going through many auditions, Sriya was finally shortlisted. Following it, she attended a training camp held in Seoul for five months. It was a rigorous training session during which she honed her artistic skills. Besides Shreya Lenka, 19-year-old Gabriela Dalcin from Brazil was also selected in the band. She became the sixth member of Blackswan.
Who is Sriya Lenka? Wiki Bio of Shreya Lenka
Real Name | Shreya Lenka |
Age | 18 years old |
Date of Birth | September 15, 2003 |
Height | 5 feet 7 inches |
Net Worth | NA |
Weight | 55 kg |
Eye Color | Black |
Hair Color | Black |
Nationality | Indian |
Zodiac Sign | Virgo |
Born on Monday, September 15, 2003, in Rourkee district of Odisha, Shreya was interested in music and arts since childhood. The name of father of Sriya Lenka is Avinash Lenka and he works in a private company in Jharsuguda. Hearing the news of her daughter’s selection in the K-pop band Blackswan, Avinash was overjoyed as Sriya became the first Indian to be a K-pop star.
Besides music, Shreya Lenka is a trained dancer and knows several dance styles which includes Odissi classical form, freestyle, hip-hop, and contemporary. Since the age of 12, Sriya has been honing her dance skills too. After watching the video of K-pop hit Growl MV by Exo band, Sriya Lenka became interested and started to copy the moves.
In 2020, during the lockdown, Sriya learnt Korean language online and watched many Korean dramas to learn and build a strong grasp over Korean language and culture. At the time, she was also auditioning for K-pop groups.
In December 2021, Sriya was selected for training in Seoul and became a member of Blackswan after its oldest member left the group. Hyeme left the group in November 2020. Blackswan had received over 4000 applications through a YouTube audition programme.
The last five months of Sriya’s training session were very rigorous as she went through standard vocal, rap, dance lessons to personal training, language, and musical instruments’ training and honing her skills.
After Sriya Lenka successfully completed her training, the Blackswan group announced that she has been selected as the fifth member of the band.
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Sriya Lenka Personal Information
Sriya’s father is Avinash Lenka while her mother’s name is Priyathama. She has two siblings – one brother and one sister. In total, there are three children. Regarding her relationship history, there is no data on the internet. So, we could say she has no boyfriend and thus she is single. She is available on Instagram @shreya.lenka.
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About Blackswan K-pop group
Came into inception in 2011, Blackswan’s initial name was Rania. Later on, it’s name was changed to BP Rania which later changed to Blackswan in October 2020. As of May 2022, the leader of K-pop girl band is Korean singer Go Young Heun (Younghuen). The other members are Belgium based Senegalese singer rapper model Fatou Samba, Korean singer dancer Kim Da Hye (Judy), Brazilian Japanese singer Larissa Ayumi Cartes Sakata (Leia). In 2020, the group released its debut album titled Goodbye Rania while its first single album Close to Me came in 2021.