Blood Red Sky in China: Recently, the sky of China’s Zhoushan city turned blood red. It caused panic among the locals. The experts have explained the reason behind the bizarre phenomenon.
The incident took place on May 8, 2022, Sunday. People captured the photo of the crimson sky and shared it on the Chinese social media platforms – Weibo and Sina. The spooky situation triggered a state of panic among the residents. Reportedly, the port areas of Zhoushan city witnessed the most intense red colour.
What caused blood red sky in China? Reason
As soon as the sky in China turned red, the netzines came over the internet to share and reason as to why it happened. They started to wonder if it was a solar storm due to which crimson sky appeared in Zhoushan city. A similar thing happened in China, Korea, and Japan in 1770.
The update from the local authorities came in handy to control the situation. They confirmed that solar activity didn’t cause it to happen. Local reports stated one probable reason behind it. They said the sky may have turned red due to the refraction of the red light coming from a fishing boat harvesting Pacific saury.
The Zhoushan Meteorological Bureau explained that the Saturday sky in Zhoushan was foggy and cloudy, and it was drizzling at the same time. So, all the factors combined might have caused the sky color to change from blue to red. The reflection of light from the low-level clouds could have been the reason.
The Bureaus further explained that good weather conditions make the extra water in the atmosphere form aerosols, which refract and scatter the light. A similar phenomenon might have happened and caused the scattering of the light of fishing boats, which eventually led to the creation of the red sky seen by the public.
Space experts from the China University of Geosciences in Wuhan confirmed that any solar anomalies did not cause the crimson colour of the sky. Their space physics research team found that solar and geomagnetic activity was calm.
Historical data blood red sky of China
The blood red sky hasn’t been seen for the first time in China. A similar incident happened on September 10, 1770, when the sky over China, Japan, and Korea turned red. The colour remained identical to red for the next seven days.
Many researchers tried to find out the reason behind the historic event. Hisashi Hayakawa and his colleagues searched through the historical documents of Japan, Korea, and some east Asian countries regarding the mentions of aurora. He was a historian and astronomer at Osaka University in Japan.
Per LiveScience, Hayakawa found that the long-lasting auroras occur at low altitudes. One of the reasons for turning the sky’s colour into red might be a powerful geomagnetic storm.