Gujarat India, Gujarat Police has detained Hardik Patel and as an outcome the internet services in Gujarat, specifically Surat; have been blocked for 24 hours. Normal browsing of the internet also seems to be affected across many networks. However, some believe that only WhatsApp and Facebook has been blocked for the specific time.
Today Morning Hardik was trying to take out a protest March from Surat despite the state’s order, as a result Gujarat Police has arrested the Youth leader in Gujarat. The 22-year-old who was fighting against reservation system was denied permission for his ‘Ekta Yatra’ by the administration yesterday, but he remained adamant saying he would go ahead with the march “at any cost”.
Hardik has played very well, with last minute venue change Hardik arrived at Mangadh chowk in Surat city with 50 of his supporters and started garlanding the statue of Sardar Patel, slowly and gradually the crowd started increasing and almost 200 supporters were there when Hardik was arrested.
As soon as Hardik was arrested, Internet services were blocked in Gujarat’s two major cities, Ahmedabad and Surat for next 24 hours. Analysing the developments of the past week, Hardik Patel had announced to take out the “reverse Dandi March,” retracing a demonstration walk led by Mahatma Gandhi against the colonial British government in 1930 to get salt without taxes. But he cancelled the plan after the district officials of Gujarat denied permission.
Hardik Patel and his community is having two specific Demands, either to remove the reservation completely or to give Patel community; an equal reservation in Higher education and in the Government Jobs.
Gujarat Police can be seen doing patrolling from Today’s morning in the various localities of Gujarat, last time after the arrest of Hardik Patel; this gone viral in the area and has claimed many uncertainties.