The video directed by Abdullah Siddique and produced by Vardhman Dagli exposes the reality of the reason behind the increasing rape cases. In this video, you will clearly identify that the main problem is with the mentality of a particular person not with the dressing sense of anyone. Earlier many regional leaders in India have claimed that wearing the short dresses is quite a reason because of which rapes are continuously increasing.
The team of Zero productions have decided to release the video on the 3rd anniversary of the India’s daughter rape case. When a girl returning from a movie assaulted by some perverts who brutally raped her and used her body like a toy. She died because of vaginal infection as one of the convicts who is a minor has inserted an iron rod in her vagina.
The minor was saved because of immunity provided by the Indian Constitution, however, the other 4 convicts got the death sentence, and till the last moment they blame the girl ‘s clothes for the incident. People from around the India protests and make them reach till this end.
However, it was said that in the case of rape there would be a death sentence, but the law has not been implemented yet.
Abdullah Siddique is social activist from India who has made many other short movies to aware the citizens around the country. In this video they have highlighted the dream law according to which
There would be death sentence in case of being convicted in a rape case and that too within 30 days