Vinyl Season 1 Episode 10 (S1E10) Review: Season 1 Finale Recap

Vinyl Season 1 Episode 10 Review
Vinyl Season 1 Episode 10 Review

Vinyl Season 1 Episode 10 Review: This episode was the finale episode of this season of “Vinyl”. With a great story accompanied by some good actors and great music, the season ended with nothing to look forward to. It was a huge disappointment. With the last episode, the series sort of fell apart. They tried cleaning up the mess they had created in the earlier episodes, but the attempts were in vain. (watch: Stoke City vs Tottenham.)

The episode begins with Ritchie being taught by the feds on the dos and don’ts of being an informant. Ritchie is quite nervous but holds himself together to do the job. He just doesn’t want to be behind bars. Meanwhile, Clark has gotten inside the underground with Jorge.

Vinyl Season 1 Episode 10 Review

Zak shows up at Galasso’s office. He wants Ritchie out of the group. Zak miscalculated that his citing that Ritchie is a drug addict would lure Galasso into firing Ritchie.

Galasso is a mob boss who lives among drug addicts, so he does not care. Zak still has a plan and talks to Scott into getting the board letter drafted. He is also into discussions with his new artist, Xavier.

At American Century offices, Joe Corso and Galasso meet up with Ritchie and inform him about their talk with Zak. Later, Galasso threatens Zak, telling him that he does not like moles and all he cares about is getting his money around. He just wants to come out clean in front of everyone, not caring about how his money his handled. He just intends to maintain an image.


All this while, the bug put up in the room by cops records everything that Galasso says, including his illegal shop near Yankee Stadium. Consequently, the shop gets busted. Galasso is enraged to know this. He rounds up Zack, Ritchie, and Joe to know who the rat was.

Vinyl Season 1 Episode 10 Review

Joe is talking too much and ends up with a bullet in his brain. Zack and Ritchie are both affected by Joe’s death but in completely different ways. Zack is shocked, and shaken While Ritchie is happy.

Later, in the big opening for New York Dolls, Kip is nearly OD’d. He is rushed to the venue instead of a hospital. Ritchie revives him but fires Jamie on the spot.

The group suffers embarrassment, as their first song leads to the cops being called due to it being too obscene. This scene was quite a nod to the first episode, where Ritchie was present at the New York Dolls.

Season one closes with Richie celebrating with the entire American Century staff and the official launch of Alibi Records while Zack is staring at him from a distance.

Stay tuned for latest Vinyl news and updates.

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