Tashan-e-Ishq Latest Episode: Twinkle hugs Devika Khanna believing that she is the one who is Mahi, she rejected the charges, Kunj came and tried to explain that this mistake had happened because of some misunderstandings.
Tashan-e-Ishq Tuesday Episode
Twinkle insists that she is none other than Mahi. Devika Khanna cuts a cheque of 5 Lakhs and gives it to her. Kunj tried to console her
Yuvi believes that Devika Khanna is a mystery, and he have to solve it. Devika was dressing up in her room, and he invokes, she tells him to get out. She prepares wine for him and says she is leaving him just because he had saved his life and gave him a glass of wine. Seeing them together, Twinkle came there and tried to keep him away from Devika wondering that she is Mahi. Devika throws her papers on Twinkle face governing that she is not Mahi.
Kunj comes and shouts on Twinkle and told her to accept the reality that Mahi is no more. He gives advice to Devika that Yuvi is not a trusted person and responsible for Mahi’s death. Outside the house, Kunj tried to console her, but she stands by her words.
Yuvi gets angry in his house claiming that Devika couldn’t be Mahi since they are different like earth and the heaven. Inspector calls him and informs that body was not of his wife, and there is no second body in the jungle. In no time, he figures out that Devika is Mahi.
Kunj explains Devika that they are sorry for whatever happened. He asked for her wedding planning arrangements, Devika agreed for the Swam Var preparations.
Twinkle is still confused and tells Kunj so loudly that Yuvi also listened; they will take fingerprints of Devika to solve the mystery and match them out with Mahi’s fingerprints.
Tashan-e-IshqYuvi decided to steal out the idea and implement it before Twinkle and Kunj. Twinkle took fingerprints of Mahi on glass; Yuvi comes in attire of a cleaner and takes the glass in which Devika had printed the fingerprints
The Swam Var was going on, Kunj introduces everyone and gets them a first task to propose her. One after another all the joker type of contestants took part in the competition taking her frustrated out.
A man comes with fingerprints report on Yuvi’s doorstep. The fingerprints didn’t match and got misconception that Devika isn’t Mahi. He decided to impress her to get all of her property.
Yuvi comes dressed up like a gentleman and proposes her romantically. He forcibly hugs her, Devika initially resists and then gives a thumbs up to Kunj and Twinkle that their plan is working fine.