Tashan-e-Ishq 10th March 2016 Episode: Yuvi becomes blockage between Twinkle and Kunj

Tashan-e-Ishq 16th May 2016 Monday Episode

Tashan-e-Ishq 10th March 2016: In the today’s episode of TeI, we have seen some fascinating encounters. Twinkle, Kunj and Usha were praying for Manohar’s well-being together. Twinkle tried to make an eye contact with Kunj, he ignores. They recall the past moments and promises given together. (Watch: Balika Vadhu.)

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When Kunj was leaving the place, Twinkle follows him and requests him to listen to her for a while. Usha advised her to stay away. She told Kunj that Twinkle thought we will forgive her so easily. She told Twinkle that doors of their house were now permanently closed to her. Before Usha starts blaming too much, Kunj came and took her in the car looking towards Twinkle.

Tashan-e-Ishq 10th March 2016

While sitting in her room, Twinkle recalls the moments spent with Kunj. Leela came and told her to have some food, after her rejection, Leela calls Kunj and puts the phone on speaker. She told that you both had problems, On being asked Kunj told that he have his food and he is least interested in these childish things. Twinkle requests Leela to do something so that they could have some personal time; she decided to think about it with Babe.

Leela talks to Babe over the fact whether they could do something to arrange a meeting. Babe tells her that she have an idea to make the meeting possible (the idea wasn’t told to the audience). Yuvi listened their plan and decided to ruin it at any cost.


Yuvi sent flowers and sweet on Twinkle’s name to Kunj’s house. He goes angry after seeing the irresponsible behaviour of Twinkle, as his father is in ICU and she is sending flowers. While showing a video to Chinki of her meeting with the editor, she sees the ring in girls’ hand. In no time, she doubts that Purvi is doing all this to take revenge from her.

Tashan-e-Ishq 10th March 2016

Leela called both Twinkle and Kunj claiming that she is fallen in the kitchen and not able to stand. They both encounters outside the house and couldn’t find her as the door was locked. Yuvi comes in between and tells that that he is going to bring Tashan in this meet. Kunj sees porch of the house decorated with lights and couple kissing each other type of photos.

Without waiting for a moment, Kunj started shouting at her for being irresponsible. The plan goes passively as he thinks that it was all planned by Twinkle only, he even tells that he was looking to find a solution but she is damaging all this. Kunj angrily breaks the lock of the door. Yuvi comes and tries to bully Twinkle; he exposed his all wrongdoings in her life himself.

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