Swaragini 9th February 2016 Tuesday Episode – Colors TV

Swaragini 17th February 2016

Swaragini 9th February 2016The show begins with Dadi asking Swara about the third person involved in the happenings. Urvashi says that she will tell the truth. Sanskar about Swara. Urvashi says that she has gone to check audio system and Sanskar leaves to bring her. Urvashi tells that she muddled Sumi’s drink with a tablet and she got back by the time Sumi gained consciousness. (see: Swaragini all episodes.)

Ragini that she was right trusting her sister. Kavita says that she was not informed about her by Swara. Ragini tells her that Swara asked to go with her, but she has no faith in her. Swara shows the mask to everyone saying that it is Janki Maa’s mask. She also says that if she is proved wrong she will apologize to all. She says that the mask is the reason for Sumi’s sufferings and that only Ragini and Swara can save her. Swara says that if she comes to stairs it signifies everything is going by the plan, else she should wear the mask and saree.

Swaragini 9th February 2016

Sanskar looking for Swara while Ragini asks about her sister. Sanskar comes back to ask about her. Kavita calms her down and says that they all will search for her till then she will keep an eye on Maasi. They all start looking for Swara. Kavita goes in the room and opens the cupboard and finds Swara. She screams out calling Sanskar and Ragini.

Kavita sees the rod laying on floor nearby and thinks of using it as evidence against Urvashi. They bring her conscious back. Swara tells them that she was hit from back while Ragini seeing the blood asks Laksh to call the doctor. Kavita showing the rod to Urvashi ask what she has done. Kavita tells Sanskar that she saw Urvashi holding the rod. Shekhar request Laksh to call police while Urvashi ask for forgiveness. Ragini says her not to take Janki’s name of her mouth.

Swaragini 9th February 2016

Urvashi says Lado but Sumi slaps her. Sumi says that she warned her not to go after her daughters. She says that she was not able to be with Ragini during her childhood but now she is in house and she wants to be with her. She says that Janki would have hated her if she would have been alive and would have kept you away from her daughters.


She says that she will not hand her over to police for Janki’s sake but warns dare not to come near her daughters or home. Urvashi while leaving curses that no one will stay happy from the house and that Ragini will shed blood tears as she trusts Swara instead of her. She is about to say something to Swara but Sanskar stops her saying that everything has to go through him before getting to Swara.  Swara asks her to get out fast or else it would get worse.

Swaragini 9th February 2016

Ragini says to Swara that she is hurt and apologizes. Kavita wishes Swara a happy life and leaves. Durga Prasad asks her to attend the function and Annapurna insist. She says Sanskar won’t be comfortable with her being around and says that she shall leave.  Sanskar apologizes to her and asks her to stay.

Even Swara insist her to stay and she agrees. Sujata is not happy with her staying. Kavita comes out and thanks Urvashi for not revealing her truth. Urvashi asks her to come along but she tells her that she has to stay. Urvashi says it’s all right and says that they will not leave Swara. Urvashi wondering that everyone might be happy but she will avenge.

Ragini and Sanskar take her to the room and then brings first aid box for her. Ragini is concerned about her and says that she would have accepted her sayings before. Swara thanks her for the same. Ragini says that she is grateful to her for opening her eyes and tells her about divorce papers.

Swaragini 9th February 2016

Ragini says that she deserve punishment and says that she took papers back. Swara says she got her sister back and says that they will be SWARAGINI again. Sanskar and Laksh come while Sanskar says that he thought they might be fighting about rituals. Swara says that they are together and they all smile.

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