Swaragini 28th September 2015: Watch its recap here. The episode begins with Sanskar waking up and seeing sun rays falling on Swara’s face disturbing her sleep. He shuts the curtains and ceases the sun rays from falling on her. Swara was about to fall from the bed, but Sanskar holds her in time. Swara opens her eyes and shocks to see Sanskar holding her. Sanskar says forget what has happened. Swara says Sanskar, you betrayed me? Sanskar asked her not to degrade his love and says to forget it. He apologized while going to the washroom.
Swaragini 29th September 2015 Tuesday Episode | Colors TV : Ragini goes hopeless again
also watch: Nexus Launch Live Streaming.
Swaragini 28th September 2015
Sujata asked Annapurna regarding Kul Devi’s puja. Annapurna says previously Adarsh and Parineeta did the puja and this time Laksh and Ragini will do it. Durga Prasad agreed and asked about Adarsh. Annapurna said don’t know. Adarsh asked Parineeta not to go. Parineeta leaves and says she will not stop and took her baggage away. She apologized Annapurna and Durga Prasad requesting them to let her go to her mum’s house. Adarsh asked for a chance to rectify his wrong doing. Ragini requests Parineeta to forgive Adarsh. She says there is nothing more for a woman than her husband. Swara responds saying woman’s self respect is more than anything else. She says she can’t forgive Adarsh so easily.
Ragini said you want her to leave? Swara said I am asking her to stay back as she has equal right on this house same as Adarsh. She said it should be Bhabhi’s ultimate decision to forgive him or not. She said there is a respect between husband and wife, which Adarsh has lost it. She asked Parineeta to give him a chance. Annapurna asked what do you want to say? That Parineeta must go and increase the distance between them. Swara says no, and says she is asking Parineeta to wait on her conditions. She says it should be her decision to forgive Adarsh only when she is pretty sure. She told Parineeta that solution can be taken if they are together. Parineeta agreed with Swara, and said she wants to give him a chance, but can’t forgive him atleast for now. Durga Prasad agrees with Parineeta and tells Swara that he likes her suggestion. Ragini is shocked and tensed.
Swaragini 28th September 2015Dadi and Shekhar talk to each other. She asked where did bengalan fly away? Sumi said she went to Maasi’s house. Shekhar told Sumi that he finish his breakfast outside. Sumi asks shall I send breakfast? Shekhar says no. Sumi calls Shekhar and then falls down. Shekhar comes back hearing her voice and called Mishti. He takes her and says she is having high fever. Ragini told Laksh that it is last chance given to her to expose Swara’s hidden truth. She said until Swara is here, we can’t level up our relation. She said she thought you will bring smile on her face, and that’s why. Laksh said he will fulfill her’s promise for sure and asked her to bring box. She opened it and finds a watch inside it. Laksh asked her to forward her hand and makes her wear the new watch. Ragini looked happy. Laksh said he liked it so bought it for you. Ragini said she really liked it and says thanks him with a hug. She thinks her good times has begun and thanks Krishna.
Sujata asked Annapurna to sit alongside Durga Prasad. Laksh said Sanskar and Swara will sit for puja. Swara gets up shockingly. Annapurna agreed. Swara said what you are saying? She said Annapurna wanted you to sit with Ragini. Laksh said you both are married so what is stopping you. Sanskar says he has a meeting too. Laksh asked Sanskar to forget his meeting and says there is nothing more than a family. Sanskar said I can’t and asked him to cancel his meeting. Laksh asked him to accept the truth and says you both are actually not married. Sanskar asked him not to start again. Laksh said you have started it and I will be the one to end it. Annapurna asked them to stop fighting. Sanskar said you are wrong as I filled Swara’s maang infront of all. Laksh said how can I forget your cheap work. Laksh suggests Annapurna to get them tie the knot before the puja, so that this whole thing ends for all.
Sujata tells marriage isn’t a joke and it happens only once. Ragini said we didn’t see their marriage though. She told Annapurna that Swara is her sister and everyone would be happy seeing them married. She said everyone got chance to attend my marriage, but they were married without informing others. Swara said but. Annapurna said Ragini is right and declares that Swara and Sanskar will get married during the Kul Devi pooja. Ragini thanked Annapurna and hugged Swara saying she is very happy. She told Swara that she will do all the arrangements and then may be Sanskar might just forgive her. Laksh says he will go too.
Swaragini 28th September 2015Doctor checked Sumi and told he will send someone to take blood samples for test. Dadi said tomorrow she has to go somewhere and asked to send lab guy not tomorrow. Shekhar asked why did you stop him. Dadi said she is having a marriage to attend tomorrow. Sumi asked whose marriage? Dadi says Maheshwari family are doing Swara and Sanskar marriage. Sumi was shocked. Dadi taunts her. Sujata was tensed and said you both can’t marry in life.
She asked Sanskar not to marry Swara under any circumstances. She told I don’t have any problems with him and doesn’t want a bengali bahu. Swara says is it okay mum. Sujata said we don’t have a way out. Ragini isn’t leaving any way for us. Ragini came and said she has closed all the doors. She said if they accept that their marriage is fake, then the family would throw Swara out of house. She said then Laksh will accept her love. She said if they get married then their lie would become truth, then Laksh will remove thought of loving Swara from his heart. She told Swara that you can’t do anything now, and asked what will you do tomorrow.
Sumi called Swara. Ragini told Dadi might informed maa about your marriage and asked them to drink tea. She says you only have 24 hours to think, and I will be on my way making arrangements for my sister’s wedding. Swara picks Sumi’s call and said yes. Laksh packed her stuff. Ragini asked him to stop and said she wants him to see their marriage truth coming out. She asked if he had any meeting to attend or he can’t see Sanskar tie a knot to Swara.
Laksh said he can’t see Swara marrying Sanskar, and can’t face them. Ragini said she is afraid that they will start a new drama to put the wedding on hold. She then heard Sujata’s voice calling out Annapurna. Sujata told Annapurna that Sumi is not feeling well, so that’s why she sends Swara to take care of Sumi. Annapurna said she can go, and says she will ask Laksh to cancel the meeting.
Swaragini 28th September 2015 episode ended. Stay tuned with us for more news and updates.
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