Swaragini 26th October 2015: After the revelation of the reality of Ragini, she appears to be depressed in the last few episodes as she felt that no one trusts her now. Only a handful of people started helping her which includes her sister Swara and Sumi. On the other hand, Lakshya is completely opposite to her and not ready to accept her in his life again. (see: Swaragini last episode.)
Moreover, Swara is so supportive towards her sister that she took a decision to not to divorce Sanskar, instead give a chance to her new relation and pave the way to make Ragini and Lakshya together once again.
While she announced that she is going to give a chance to her and Sanskar’s new relation, her mother and father were present there and they got happy after hearing it. But, she had a private chat with Sanskar in which she confessed that her main motive is to make Ragini and Lakshya one.
Swaragini 26th October 2015
Right at the same moment, Sanskar tried to convince her to marry Lakshay. But, Swara stood determined on her decision to not marry Lakshya as she cited that for her, he is Ragini’s husband.
Adding to it, she told Sanskar that she will create such situations in which Lakshya will accept Ragini. Sanskar agreed to support her in it. But, she stopped him and said that he will be wasting his entire life to support and help her and she told him that he deserves a better life. (more: all episodes of Swaragini.)
Sanskar interrupted and said that it is his life. He told her that he will decide what to do and what not to do. He said that he has already decided to help her in every mission of hers.
Ragini and Swara made their entry into the Durga Pooja ceremony, but she got insulted there. Her Dadi even asked to move out of it and go inside. But Swara supported her there. On the contrary, Ragini still got hurt and decide to kill herself in the ceremony itself.
Swaragini 26th October 2015Then, she touched the electric wire saying that she should not be in theirs life anymore and bid goodbye to all. She got a huge electric shock.