Swaragini 26th Jan 2016: In this episode of Swaragini we have seen how the new and changed Ragini will accept her love towards Laksh. They got reunited after a long while in television episode Swaragini, what are the current happenings in Swaragini; check it out.
Swaragini Tuesday Episode
The scene comes live with Ragini being told by Urvashi that blood is coming from her mum’s eyes. She says this is because she is unhappy with Swara and Sanskar marriage. Shekhar stops her saying it’s all useless. Urvashi further adds that like Sumi has taken her place in Shekhar’s life similarly Swara might take over Ragini’s place in Laksh life, so she is unhappy. (see: Swaragini last episode.)
Swara says blood was because of a chemical and shows it in mobile. She says that a lamp lying under photo was set off just now and the chemical on the photo melted and red colour flowed from it. She is about to demonstrate but Ragini stops her saying that this is the last thing she has of her mother and don’t wanna lose it.She further says that she is not blaming Sumi but Shekhar never loved Janki as he loves her and that Swara would snatch her love. She also blames Swara for stealing Kavita first love.
Sanskar denies it saying it was his decision to spend his life with Swara and Kavita played a key role in uniting them. Swara had done nothing wrong and ask Ragini to apologize to her. Ragini refuses to do and says Janki Maa fears she will snatch her family from her. Sanskar ask why Janki let Shekhar and Sumi marry. She says she has no problem but Sanskar asks her to think again and says you are left with Swara in your life and you always try to sadden her. Laksh too agrees with Sanskar and both Swara and Ragini leave crying. (see: Swaragini all episodes.)
Sanskar comes to room and Swara ask her – Did I pulled you out of Kavita’s life asking if Ragini is right or not and cries. Sanskar asks her not believe her and that he never knew that his sister hates her now. Sanskar gets up to leave but Laksh ask her to stay as Swara needs him.Urvashi comes to Ragini and wipes her tears and says that your husband doesn’t support you as Sanskar does Swara.
She tells her that she knows everything and that Swara snatched your love first and if she becomes your jethani she will kill the left happiness. Ragini falls in her trap judging her to true. She says to her that jiji is happy that she fought for her and herself and hugs her. Ragini screams Maa and thanks Urvashi.
Sanskar and Swara talk about that bloody tears trick and Swara ask him that about Janki approval of their marriage. Swara says that tears were some chemical and was sure that Urvashi brought them. Sanskar says he is sure that Kavita is behind all this and tell about red kite found in jungle. Sanskar says that he is again in a war with Kavita and says he has a plan. He says that they will keep a grah shanti Pooja at home tomorrow.
Swaragini 26th January 2016Laksh having a chat with his lawyer says that he knows he has only one day left to get her signature. He says it is irresistible for him to wait to get his properties back. Ragini comes and Laksh is afraid if she heard him. Ragini says that she trusted him and but he never supported her when Swara insulted her. Laksh have a sigh of relief and says that he thought she was unfair with Swara.
Ragini says she is happy that he has accepted him and all this has happened since Swara had left. Laksh asks her to be over with this matter but Ragini denies saying that she will not sit idle until Swara and Sanskar are separated and ask him to help her. Shekhar informs Durga Prasad about the Grah Pooja and then Sanskar will make Swara wear precious ancestral necklace. Swara also invites Urvashi. Ragini checks some paper Laksh tell her these are divorce papers.