Swaragini 19th February 2016: The show begins with Inspector saying that he will get blood sample checked but it won’t prove that Swara is innocent and that they have to take Swara back. Sanskar suddenly recalls of Kavita scolding a servant regarding her pallu. Here Inspector asks constable to arrest Swara but Sanskar stops him and asks for a minute saying that he has an evidence to prove Swara innocent. (see: All Episodes of Swaragini.)
Kavita comments that nothing is useful and ask him to let the law do its duty. Sanskar then compliments her that she was looking beautiful and then he removes her ghunghat and takes out a chip from her woollen beads. He shows the chip to inspector saying that it has a video clip that can prove Swara innocent and ask Uttara to bring the laptop and video is shown where Swara gets inside the washroom looking for Urvashi etc.
Swaragini 19th February 2016
Durga Prasad calls the day to be auspicious one as today is Swara’s and Sanskar’s marriage. Inspector says that though have a proof still it is a matter of court. But then Lawyer arrives there saying that he will do the legal formalities and Inspector agrees but says that 1 constable will stay there. Then he asks another constable to arrest Kaveri and Kavita and they leave. They all rejoice and Ragini hugs Swara.
Sanskar explains to Swara how Kavita put him in a situation of marrying her or else she won’t give the video clip but says that he was sure that they both will unite anyhow. Laksh makes a call and asks where the person was. Ragini comes from behind saying that she is here and asks who is he talking to. Laksh tells her that it is his client from the USA.
Ragini believes her and then says that everything is settled now and ask him to come. Here Sujata says to Sanskar that he should have told her before as she thought that he has gone mad. She apologizes and then a woman jumps inside Maheswari house and wears a bridal dress.
Here Swara thanks Ragini for being the source of her strength and then they again hug each other while their family smiles seeing them. Ragini then says that their dream is about to get true and that they will get their love. Later Inspector comes back saying that Kaveri has accepted her crime. Sanskar asks him how was Swara trapped. Inspector tells him that Kavita went inside the bakery and then got out through other door and then they both went inside the Urvashi’s room.
Swaragini 19th February 2016Then Kaveri had killed Urvashi while Kavita left from the place leaving Kaveri. Kaveri used Almira as a hideout when Swara came looking for Urvashi and then they kept her body in the washroom. Inspector then says that Swara is innocent and free now. Ragini gets happy and says that now their marriage ceremony can take place.
Dadi says that Swara can never do wrong whereas Ragini asks Pandit if mahurat is still on. Swara meets Annapurna and Sujata and hugs them whereas Durga Prasad blesses her. He announces that all the rituals will happen again now. Laksh suggests Ragini escort Swara inside and get her ready. Ragini agrees and asks Swara to come along with her.