The show of Swaragini begins as Swara escapes from police fooling them as if she is about to vomit and then filling their eyes with sand. Here Ragini is looking for the chip in Kavita’s belongings and is worried how she will stop the marriage. Police hear the alarm and they start looking for her everywhere. Swara takes a taxi. Pandit ji makes them sit.
Swaragini Thursday Episode
Kaveri is among the guest and is wearing a shroud. Sumi escorts Ragini to the mandap while her face is covered with ghunghat. Laksh gets tensed seeing Ragini in bridal dress. Kavita requests Sanskar to sit and not to waste time as mahurat is ending. Sanskar denies while Swara manages to hide from police and escape. (Also See: Last Episode of Swaragini)
Inspector alerts the whole team. Ragini asks Laksh why he is staring her. Laksh then tries to stand but Pandit ji stops her. Here Swara asks the taxi driver to take her to Maheswari house. The driver is made to get his taxi checked at a checkpoint but Inspector was not able to find Swara. Kavita gets annoyed seeing Sanskar’s denial and blackmails him to make her wear the garland. At the same time, Laksh and Ragini also exchange garland.
Swaragini 18th February 2016Police are looking for Swara in every car and she is spotted hiding in a tempo. Here Pandit ji chant mantra’s and later ask all four of them to stand up for phera’s. They then start taking pheras and Kavita smirks thinking that now nobody can separate them. Somehow Swara manages to reach mandap and yells STOP the marriage.
All are shocked to see her. Seeing her Ragini runs and hugs her. Laksh messages someone. Kavita asks her how did she get out from the jail. Swara replies saying that the she came here to send her in and Dadi too agrees with her. Police reach Maheswari house and ask Swara to surrender herself.
Sanskar says to Inspector that he can’t take her and Ragini too insists the same. He tells them that Swara ran away from their custody. They say that she was proved guilty. Swara says that she didn’t have any evidence then but now she has some and can prove herself innocent. Seeing this Durga Prasad request Inspector to give her another chance. Swara also asks for the same and promises that she won’t run away now.
Kavita is worried that if Kaveri is spotted she would be in danger and tries to stop Swara saying that she will accuse her of filling Urvashi. Swara says that she is now well aware of the fact that she was not present there meanwhile she tries to look at the face of a veiled woman. The woman gets annoyed and asks if Swara is trying to insult her. Swara says she only want to see her face and then unveiled her face to everyone. They all are dazed to see Kaveri there.
Durga Prasad says that she is back again. Swara tells everyone that she was released two weak ago and when she came to know this she was able to relate all the mishaps with her. Kavita brags that nothing is proved yet. Swara asks what is she doing here then and Inspector says that Kaveri was released from jail. Kavita again says that nothing will be proved but Swara denies. She informs Inspector that the blood sample was of Kaveri that was found in the room. She then says that Kavita remained in the bakery whereas Kaveri entered the hotel room via. Window and killed Urvashi. After Swara left, she shifted Urvashi’s body in a bathroom.