Suhani Si Ek Ladki 5th May 2016: Suhaani Comes To Know That Yuvani Is Her Daughter

Suhani Si Ek Ladki 17th May 2016
Suhani Si Ek Ladki 17th May 2016

Suhani Si Ek Ladki 5th May 2016The episode started with Pratima asking Yuvaan his momma’s name. Dadi recalled Suhani’s kids and stopped him. Soumya came from the temple and tied the thread to Yovani and Krishna. Dadi asked her to tie a thread to Yuvaan too. Soumya said sure. Dadi thought he was Yuvraj’s son, her grandson, her heir. (check: SSEL Last Episode.)

Pratima asked him to call his Mamu. Yuvaan called Sharad. He told him that he was in Birla House. Sharad said to stay there; he would go to take him. Suhani was busy. Yuvaan said his mom was in a meeting, so his mama was coming. Dadi thought Sharad was coming. Sharad turned and asked Suhani to reach Hotel; he would get Yuvaan.

Suhani Si Ek Ladki 5th May 2016

Soumya washed face and cried. She said she made big mistake; she should have told Suhani that Yuvraaj was the legal father of Krishna. Soumya went to kids. Dadi thought to stop Sharad from coming there. (read: 24 review.)

Soumya told Krishna that they had to leave home, Yovani wouldn’t come with them. Krishna asked why she wouldn’t go without Yuvraaj and Yuvaani. Krishna hid in cupboard and Soumya asked her to come out. She cried. (check: Baaghi collection.)

Dadi asked Yuvaani to show her birthday gifts to Yuvaan. He said his mumma gave him basketball on his birthday, he played well, but not better that Yuvraaj uncle. Dadi asked him would he play then. He said she was really nice. Dadi smiled happily.

Suhani Si Ek Ladki 5th May 2016

Krishna asked Soumya to open the cupboard. Soumya pulled hard and opened the door. Krishna hugged her and asked not to take her from there.

Sharad came to Birla house and cried recalling the old time. Dadi stopped him. He touched her feet, and she got back. She called Yuvaan. Yuvaan said he was his Mamu, and showed the basketball Dadi gave him. Mamu said Suhani told you not to take gifts from strangers and dropped the ball. He took yuvaan and left from there.


Yuvaan ate ice-cream. He told Sharad about Dadi’s gift and asked why did he throw that. Sharad said he need not to tell about Birla house visit to Suhani. Sharad said it was not wrong to lie to save relations.

Pratima looked for Yuvaan. Dadi said he left, his Mama was in a hurry, she decided something, they all would go out, she got Manali tickets, pack bags. Pratima asked when do they have to leave. Dadi said right away; she couldn’t bear that city. Yuvaani got glad.

Suhani Si Ek Ladki 5th May 2016

Sharad told Suhani that Yuvaan went to Birla House. He said let Yuvaan decide. Yuvaan said Yuvraaj uncle was Yovani’s dad. Yuvaan said Yuvraj gave blood to him right, just like she gave to Yuvaani.

Suhani said yes, as their blood matched. He said their birthdays also fall on the same day. Suhani cried and sat in shock. She told Sharad that Yuvaani was her daughter. Sharad got shocked. Suhani asked why Dadi did that to her.

Saurabh gave tickets to Dadi and asked them to leave, he would go with next day along Rags and Menka. Pratima asked kids to come; they would leave. Someone came there. Pratima opened the door. Suhani walked in with Sharad and Yuvaan. They all got shocked.

Stay tuned for latest Suhani Si Ek Ladki news and updates.

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