Saath Nibhana Saathiya 25th April 2016: Modi family returned sadly from the court hearing. Baa asked if Meera didn’t come with them, or if Ahem brought her. Jigar said she got a death sentence. Baa said no. (check: Man City vs Real Madrid.)
Meera reminisced Dharam’s words that she would grow elder he would die soon, but would wait for the day she would return to him. She cried and said she loved him a lot. Guara danced in front of unconscious Dharam. Meera prayed to God to send Dharamji to her. He opened eyes.
Saath Nibhana Saathiya 25th April 2016
Guara asked if he was okay and her mother was with him. He said Meera. She yelled that she spelled black magic on her as he couldn’t saw his mother standing there. She gave him sedatives and said Meera would be hanged at 9 a.m., and he would be free forever.
Baa shockingly said this couldn’t happen and asked hetal if it was a lie. Hetal stated that they tried but couldn’t save her. Baa said Ahem would save Meera. Jigar said ahem was in jail for holding lawyer’s collar and everything was finished. She didn’t lose hope after listening to that and gave them hope and to Jigar. After darkness, the light comes.
Kokila shouted nobody would be disappointed and should be strong. Baa told Jigar that He should become Bharat in Ahem’s absence and support the family. Jigar said saving Meera was impossible. Gopi said with Meera think her dead if it was impossible to save her.. Kokila continued moral gyan not to lose hope and told Jigar had to fight.
Shravan, Durga, and Naiya reached home. Naiya asked who broke the gate. Shravan replied that even he didn’t knew. They entered the home and asked servant about Gaura. The servant said they came just then as she gave them off. Shravan said that meant baa was alone and went to check her room and said she wasn’t there.
Naiya asked Durga to check downstairs where Shravan checked other rooms. Durga saw store room door opened and silently walked in calling Maaji. Gaura threw injection and thought how she came. She came to the door and said she was finding a lamp. Durga saw injection on the floor and thought where it came from. Guara shouted to go. She left. Guara thought once Meera was dead, her son could open eyes.
Kokila continued moral gyan and took oath on God to prove Dharam was alive and would bring Meera back to home. Gopi said she was with her and whole family joined. She stated that they would get justice even should break the law. She chanted Om Krishna yanamaha.
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