Swaragini lead actor Ragini is going to commit suicide in the upcoming series if believed to a source news of Tellymasala. According to information, Laskhya has come near Ragini to make her sign the documents. The love story from the Television scoop is just to get a favour done from the main actress Ragini, in the last episode of Swaragini where everyone was happy to see the couple together is going to be turn out a problem.
While Ragini was satisfied after getting love from Lakshya she wouldn’t be able to resist the betrayal of her loving husband. Lakshya will dismiss her from the property papers and throw her outside the house. Later Ragini lost the war for her love and life. According to the news, Ragini is going to commit suicide thereafter.
But it sounds something fishy as Swaragini episode would lose the life if there is no Ragini in the television series anymore. The truth would be revealed in the upcoming series of Swaragini whether she would commit suicide or turn out to be a blessing in disguise.
Whatever the story would be, an audience would definitely not going to love Ragini leaving the sets of the television series which works on her existence. What would Swara do when she will listen to the news of suicidal attempt by her soul sister? Will Ragini be able to win the trust of Lakshya after doing so?
There are many unanswered questions with this revelation, only the upcoming episodes of Swaragini will reveal the whole story. Do comment your opinion on this news.
i love swara