The Magicians Season 1 Episode 7 (S1E7) Review: “The Magicians” took a step forward in terms of quality last week. I really liked the pace which the story finally gathered after dragging an interesting concept for five episodes. I had my hopes high for this week’s episode, thinking that the story is only going to get better from this point onwards. But I was disappointed. The story again lost its pace, with romance taking the center stage. It looked like this episode was just a filler aired in order to let the story gain momentum. Maybe, the producers have something in store for the future episodes? (read: Gotham season 2 episode 12 review.)
This week’s episode was titled “The Mayakovsky Circumstance” and aired on twenty nine February on Syfy. The titular character, Professor Mayakovsky was the embodiment of the typical Russian man we have already seen so many times.
The Magicians Season 1 Episode 7
Blunt commentary topped with a heavy Russian accent and Vodka addiction, we’ve had enough of that. But he at least did a good job by letting us know how dumb Quentin is. But I never understood why he was so interested in Quentin and Alice’s relationship.
I already found the episode boring, and the romantic chit-chat made it even more unbearable for me as I am not into romantic stories, at all. Quentin and Alice seem to have got together due to wrong causes. While Alice just has a low self-esteem, Quentin is so cocooned up. He is repeatedly asked to lose his inhibitions, but his short memory doesn’t seem to be registering this.
Penny and Kady were somewhat better than Quentin and Alice. They finally started communicating in a manner that was not dumb. Kady told Peeny everything about her life, looks like they could be getting together well in the future. But no. We can never have a straight plot in “The Magicians”, so, Kady is ousted off Brakebills by Mayakovsky. She leaves without telling Penny.
Eliot and Margo are enjoying their time together but I find their plot just an uninteresting addition to the plots we already have. They are turning out as annoying. But I liked that Eliot was featured with more heavily in the story. He is finally getting integrated in the main story line.
I missed Julia due to her absence in this episode. I’d like to see her more in the upcoming episodes as her plot was much more interesting than what we have now. Her absence made this episode’s story suffer.
Watch the episode yourself for a better insight.