Bulbul gives only two option to Pragya either to name up the person or she would tell all this to Sarla. Pragya informs them that she have a doubt on Nikhil only and that’s why she have laid the trap of Nikhil and Alia’s marriage. Pragya instructs Dadi to put up the pressure on them.
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Abhi comes to Alia on being instructed by Dadi to force her for the marriage. Abhi told her that Nikhil is a good candidate for her, Abhi provokes her by saying Purab. Alia told that she couldn’t marry Nikhil, Abhi argues that she have to move on. Alia falls in her own trap where she somewhat got agreed to proceed for the marriage. Alia decided to talk to Nikhil as she has promised Abhi for giving her acceptance in the evening. [Also Read: Last Episode of Kumkum Bhagya]
Pragya goes spelled when Abhi shows her the doll she has bought as her new boyfriend. Abhi increases her confusion by totally changing the talks, Pragya left totally spellbound. Abhi told her a completely fake story in which he argues that she got both dolls married yesterday’s night. Pragya argues that its a lie.
Abhi told that she have revealed the whole truth in front of him which she was hiding. He tried to create more excitement in her and gives her a story in which they have romantic celebrations in the night. Abhi told that they had a kiss yesterday’s night. Pragya took his collar and he started acting shy.
Pragya goes up in more confusion what actually has happened. Abhi have called Nikhil for a dinner, on which Nikhil initially goes little irritated but later agreed for the mutual consent as he also want to come in the house. He calls Ronnie when he was passing by, Abhi told him to help Chanchan and do not listen to Pragya.
Payal questions about the Alia’s attitude towards the marriage. Abhi told her not to worry about that. Alia wonders of the reason for which they are getting messed up. Tanu comes and scolds her for having her mind lost of getting agreed for marriage.
Tanu proposes her idea of getting married to Nikhil and then they would be easily able to sort out all the problems for which she goes angry and put herself in a seperate room.
Pragya thinks of the statement what Abhi has told her to make her angry. Abhi comes and tried to behave romantically behave with her, Pragya have got all the plan and exposes all the plan in front of him.
Pragya starts shouting for police and called Ronnie to call up the lawyer, Abhi accepts the fact that it was a lie to keep the statement away from her. Later he romantically says that his feelings were true for her and one day she will come to him when she will realize his feelings.
Abhi offers her help to practice kiss, Pragya replied that she hates him. He tried to do more romance with her, which left her totally spelled bound. [Also See: Anna University Exams Postponed]
This was the 423rd episode of Kumkum Bhagya.