The episode of Kumkum Bhagya is linked with Tashan E Ishq’s latest episode where the cast of Kumkum Bhagya has appeared as the guests. In the part which will be screened with Tashan E Ishq, Tanu and Nikhil have decided to go somewhere else from the car and Pragya was hiding in the car listening to their talks. After a while talking with Nikhil, Tanu reveals the fact that he is the one who is the father of her baby and Pragya might get aware about it. Pragya who was sitting at the back of the car listens to this but not able to get it clearly.
Kumkum Bhagya Monday Episode
She somehow manages and listens that the person sitting with Tanu is her baby’s father. Pragya decided to see his face as it’s the only chance for them to reveal the actual culprit. She tried to call Purab but was not able to do so as the network was bad in the back of the car.
Mitali wonders of Tanu’s intentions of having a crush on Abhi after failing down to woo Abhi. Raj comes in the room, Mitali explains her insecurity to him. Mitali questions of his relations with Tanu, on which he answered that Tanu only willing him to help her in order to release Alia from the jail. She advises her to keep in distance from her as she is the person who is in the radar of Pragya and he might get punished in between. (Also See: Kumkum Bhagya Last Episode)
Meanwhile, Dasi keeps on dreaming about the baby in Tanu’s womb and starts threading out her dreams of playing and taking care of him. Dadi wonders of everyone’s strange behavior and prays for Pragya’s success in finding out the real face behind Tanu’s child.
Abhi exchanges idea with Purab to have a party and was away their sorrows. They were in the room of Abhi where Abhi has been forcefully brought up by Purab despite his protest that he doesn’t want to see Pragya’s face. Purab tried to call Pragya by leaving him in the room but his phone is not ringing up. Purab get tensed about her.
Purab informed Abhi about Pragya’s absence in the house and told him to accompany him in sorting out that where she is actually now. Abhi denied to woke even after repeated efforts of Purab and keeps on sleeping. He decided to go himself and took her out of the trouble.
Nikhil and Tanu exit the car after which Nikhil went out of the car talking to her. Pragya who is inside the car was feeling suffocated inside it.
Meanwhile, Pragya fortune proved once again when the driver came and opens the car deck and successfully rescues her. Pragya shows her gratitude to him. Unfortunately, Pragya mistakenly leaves her phone with him. Nikhil bought Tanu inside a vanity van, Pragya who was following them sees them entering the van.