Ishq Ka Rang Safed 13th April 2016: Wednesday Written Update Colors TV

Ishq Ka Rang Safed 22nd April 2016

Ishq Ka Rang Safed 13th April 2016: The episode started with Viplav hugging Dhaani and said our plan worked, and they had to act in front of all and had to fight. He said he had to win everyone’s trust. Dhaani asked what he would do. Viplav told her to see. Dashrath thought why Viplav was angry and tensed. He asked Sushma to bring tea. (check: IKRS Last Episode.)

He asked Viplav why he fought as Dhani was her wife. He said that she insulted her mom. Dashrath said but. He stated that he had done so much for her, followed her sayings, but she insulted her mum. Sushma said she was part of the family. Viplav said, but she came from outside. Raja thought something was wrong. Viplav apologized and said I would take all the responsibilities of home.

Ishq Ka Rang Safed 13th April 2016

Dashrath said that it was good that he wanted to take responsibility, but shouldn’t spoil relations with Dhani. Viplav said he would change his living although he loves Dhani, he had to fulfill his responsibilities. He went.

Dashrath told kanak that he would support Viplav. He announced that he would give everything on Navratri to viplav. Raja got angry. He said everyone would do what he says if Shalu becomes pregnant he would work this tonight. Everyone waited for Dhaani. Viplav said to start Aarti. Dhaani came.

Dhoni said she was doing some work. Kanak said she can’t argue with her husband. Dhani asked her to tell the same thing to Viplav. Dashrath reminded that it was Temple. Dhani Did Aarti.

Ishq Ka Rang Safed 13th April 2016

Rajas mum told her to keep medicine in his pocket Sushma asked Dhani to distribute Prasad. Viplav refused to take Prasad from her hand as it would taste bitter Dhani asked him not to take. Sushma asked what happened.

Dulari and Badi Amma came there. Dhaani and viplav greeted them. Dulari said that they thought to give Prasad as they came from Temple. Kanak asked servants to take Prasad and told how their daughter spoke to her son. She said that her son has he realise his mistake and was very unfortunate that they were married and said with love is not blind in Dhani’s love and his eyes are opened.


Dulari asked Dhani what she was saying. Viplav stated that their daughter misbehaved with elders and he wouldn’t tolerate her behaviour. Dhani said he couldn’t understand about her feeling. Kanak scolded Dhani for insulting Viplav.

Ishq Ka Rang Safed 13th April 2016

Dulari said she would make her understand. Kanak asked them to go. They left. Dhani followed.

Dhani asked Dulari to listen her once. Dulari said she would cut their nose and left. Viplav told Dhaani that he was feeling bad as he acted accordingly. Dhani told that they would not feel bad when they would come to know about the secret and said it was good that their plan worked.

Raja looked at the medicine bottle and said Shalu would know what would happen with her tonight. Dhaani prayed to God and asked to give Success in their mission. Dhaani happened to see laddu with the medicine and got suspicious. Raja brought laddu and asked Shalu to eat it before kanak saw her eating. Dhaani also came and asked Shalu to have laddu.

Ishq Ka Rang Safed 13th April 2016

Shalu thanked her and said she don’t want her fake love. She said Raja already got laddu for her. Dhani was about to keep laddu in the plate, but Raja stopped her and got up and asked Shalu to ask Dhaani to leave. Just then Dhani changed the medicine laddu plate with good laddu plate.

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