House of Cards Season 4 Episode 1 Review: Frank Underwood is back! Netflix released the much awaited fourth season of TV series on fourth of the March. I had been waiting for the season four to release since long and as soon as I could get my hands on it, I started watching the series. It felt so satisfying to hear the opening theme song once again. (read: House of Cards season 4 Episode 2 review.)
Rather than opening the scene from just where it ended, they resumed the series with the follow up story of Lucas Goodwin, the journalist whom Doug Stamper got wrongfully framed under false charges of cyber terrorism in order to stop him from digging more into the case of Zoe Barnes’ death.
House of Cards Season 4 Episode 1 Review
He is shown incarcerated inside a prison where he is using his words to give his cellmate a “good” time. He may have lost his job, but he certainly hasn’t lost his edge. He still knows how to put words to a good use. He is seen sympathizing with his cellmate, whose fiancé is going to leave him due to him being imprisoned. And she’s going to take their child with herself, too.
Meanwhile, President Frank Underwood is on board a plane to New Hampshire, where he is going to interact with industrial workers regarding the upcoming election campaign. He is side by side trying to get in touch with Claire Underwood, who left him in the end of the last season. She is not answering to any calls, and Frank is pissed. I am not sure if he is irritated due to his concern for Claire or due to the fact that her absence would affect his image in minds of the voters.
Whatever, he proceeds to deliver his speech. Stamper informs him that Claire landed in Dallas, her hometown. So, in order to keep the affair of marital discord under wraps, he tells the media that she went to Texas to strengthen his team’s base for primary elections prior to the team’s arrival in Texas, as it is her hometown.
Claire arrives at her home. She wants to meet her mother but her mother doesn’t want to see her. It is the first time that we get to meet the parents of Claire Underwood. Claire has come to her home not just with the prospect of living away from Frank, but to also ensure herself a seat in the Congress.
House of Cards Season 4 Episode 1 ReviewPolitics ensue, with Claire getting ready to charge against her husband. Watch the series yourself to know the whole story.
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