Dear Zindagi 6th Day Collection and Box Office Earnings report: Dear Zindagi of Shah Rukh Khan and Alia Bhatt is doing more than great on the box office in this era of demonetization. The film had collected plenty of positive reviews from the opening day itself. Dear Zindagi collection had proved themselves truly thrilling when all the films were on box office were not doing a great business. Film was able to dominate the position because of lead pair in the industry. Moreover Dear Zindagi was not released in good number of screens but efficiency was focussed upon, as a result box office performs outstanding.
The film continues to perform for more than 6 days in a row. The movie was definite hit as Bollywood had faced repeated flops once after another. Among the 1200 screens in India, almost 800 screens were from the multiplexes. The 400 single screens didn’t receive as much response. Along with that DearZindagi was released in over 154 theaters in the overseas market.
The producers had decided not to run off for many numbers of screens. It was a strategy to mint out the maximum occupancy with efficiency. It’s also an interesting fact about itis that film earnings keep on growing for all the three days. The successive rate indicated a good opportunity for SRK who didn’t experience this much increment with past films.
Dear Zindagi 6th Day Collection and Wednesday Box Office Earnings reportDear Zindagi first weekend collection also arrived as good news for Alia Bhatt too. She had seen in many hit movies. Being one of the most prepossessing actresses in the entire industry, she enjoys a greater opportunity. There are times when one needs to prove herself, and it’s the time when Alia had established herself in a film where she is the real sensation of Bollywood.
Dear Zindagi Collection
Day 1: 8.75 crore
Day 2: 11.25 crore
Day 3: 12.50 crore
Day 4: 4.25 crore
Day 5: 4 crore
Dear Zindagi 6th Day Collection: 4 Crore
Dear Zindagi Collection – 6 Days [Worldwide]: 68.25 cr (40.75+27.50)
The flick stays strong on Day 1 in many metro cities. A huge occupancy was seen in many important cities like Delhi, Mumbai, and Bangalore. The response from states like Uttar Pradesh and Punjab was also at par. The overall fill up rate on the first day was 25% which was grown to 33% during the second day. The third day fill up rate was really mind blowing as a touched mark of 45% occupancy.
Overall occupancy during the first day was around 35% in most of the theaters having a lot of seats pre-booked. Reliance Big Pictures were the distributors. Dear Zindagi collection was able to get their name in the first list of the top releases this week which is again a significant aspect.
On the first day, Dear Zindagi collection were 8.75 crore rupees in total which was grown to 25% on the day 2. On Saturday, the film had earned a figure of 11.25 crore rupees which is great considering the size of release. The weekend ends up very well with earnings of almost 13 crores as the third-day income.
Dear Zindagi 4th, 5th and 6th Day collection were important for the film as the month is coming to the end. With the month’s end Dear Zindagi 6th day collection proved that the movie is going to sustain in the market for much longer. Film had earned 4 crores on each of the weekday which had signalled trade analysts that its going to last for one more week on the box office.
Overall during the first weekend, Dear Zindagi collection had reached the level of 33 crore net during the first week. Along with the earnings in India, the film had minted out a significant amount of money from overseas specifically from the United States and UAE too. The GCC countries are always a better charm for Bollywood movies and a bonus when it comes to Shah Rukh Khan.
There stood lined up events in the US which had resulted in the earlier.Thanksgiving day and the Black Friday were the main reason for the previous release in the overseas market. As producers cared about the privacy, The film not released in any other country which had made possible an outstanding response in India.
DearZindagi had also earned over $1,502,078 from the United States which are approx 6 crore rupees opening weekend earnings. This is the highest ever international weekend gross for Alia Bhatt from a single country in her entire career.
Along with the same, the film was successful in reaching the level of 4 million $ from Overseas countries. DZ collection had reached out the level of 27.50 crores from the overseas which is not just big, it’s impressive.
Dear Zindagi collection had reached the 68.25 cr in 6 days. What are your predictions for Dear Zindagi box office. Do let us know in comments section.