Dabangg 3 starring Salman Khan in lead role has earned over Rs 45 cr in the first two days at the box office. Its collection sees an increase / positive slope today on its 1st Sunday compared to yesterday (Saturday). It’s going to collect somewhere close to Rs 75 crores in India only.
It is one of the most anticipated Bollywood movies of the year (2019), and stars Salman, Sonakshi Sinha, Saiee Manjrekar, and Sudeep Sanjeev in key roles. Dabangg 3 released on Friday, December 19, 2019. On its first day, D3 collected Rs 24.5 cr followed by Rs 22 crores on Saturday.
The film is receiving mixed responses from the audiences / movie-goers. It is the third movie in the Dabangg franchise. Despite being a Salman Khan starrer the flick is not turning out as profitable as other Salman Khan films have been so far. The widespread protest against the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) is creating some hurdle.
It has been badly affected in the state of Uttar Pradesh (UP) due to law and order issues. The collection of Dabangg 3 fell down a little bit on day 2 compared to opening due to the protests. Had it not been the protests, the Prabhudeva directorial could have done much, much better.
In the first two days, the Salman Khan movie has suffered a loss of Rs 12-15 crores at the least. Let’s see how would the film be able to recover that loss over the first weekend. This will be a big task for the flick in the next week as another big film is going to release. It will face competition from ‘Good Newwz’ starring Akshay Kumar, Kareena Kapoor, and others.
As of now, it would be best for Dabangg 3 to mint as much as possible on Sunday and then sustain it on Monday. Let us hope that the law and order situation will improve soon. Then, this cop-drama would see an increase in its business by getting the advantage of the normal situation.
Made on a budget of over Rs 120 crores, Dabangg 3 needs to earn big time to be tagged as a blockbuster. It was released on over 3500 screens in India. Speaking of its 3rd day, Dabang 3 has witnessed a better opening on Sunday compared to Saturday and Friday. As far as the morning shows are concerned, it saw 35-40% occupancy.
- Dabangg 3 3rd Day Collection – Rs 30 crores (early estimates)
- Dabangg 3 3 days box office collections – Rs 75 cr (to be updated)
However, it is still badly affected in UP, and parts of Delhi-NCR. So, there will be a business loss for sure. It is sad but true. The figure was around 25% for the earlier two days. The first weekend collection loss will increase to Rs 15-20 crores. It should be able to touch the mark of 80 crores in the first 3 days.
Dabangg 3 has still got the Christmas holiday to count on and collect further. It is clear that the film has failed to take advantage of the initial weekend. Let’s see how it fares further.