Bigg Boss 9, Day 79, Episode 79, 29th December 2015: BB9 updates, let’s see what happened today on the show hosted by Salman Khan. Housemates were gossiping about the increasing intimacy of Prince and Nora. However, Priya was the one who spilled it at the highest level. Moreover, she instigated Kishwer against Rochelle over kitchen duties. (see: Happy New year 2016 Images.)
This day started with the wakening up of the housemates on the tunes of ‘Chor Bazari’. First of all, Keith and Suyyash were spotted discussing the changing pattern of Prince over the time. They thought the he has the advice seriously given by Salman to get away from the group.
Bigg Boss 9 Full Episode
In the Saturday’s episode, Salman sang ‘Chand Chupa Badal Mein’ indirectly hinting that Prince’s individuality and personality are getting hidden behind his feelings for Nora. Later on, Rochelle also confronted Prince about the same to which he agreed to keep his feelings for her separate from the competition.
Priya came and got made at Prince and Rochelle who were just enjoying and spending the time outside. Both of them were given the task to help in the kitchen where Kishwer and Priya were helping Mandana. This thing arose another fight in which captain Suyyash ended up telling Prince and Rochelle to back off.
Bigg Boss 9 Day 79 Episode 79 29th December 2015Rochelle tried to defend herself by telling him that she had asked the housemates to heat the chicken, but most of them decided to have paranthas instead. Suyyash told her that her attitude is totally wrong there. While, Kishwer said that if it would have been Keith’s captaincy then, she must have taken it more seriously. After a while, Priya walked into the bedroom and smiled at Rishabh saying, ‘CGC – Cool Group Cracked!’.
Proceeding further, another fight came up as Rochelle entered the bathroom after Keith, but it was the turn for Priya. This irked her as she clarified that she had already informed Keith that she will be going after him. Priya went and knocked on the door, but Rochelle ignored her.
Bigg Boss 9 Day 79 Episode 79 29th December 2015When Rochelle came out from the bathroom, Priya taunted her by saying that she went to take a bath with her boyfriend. Hearing this, Prince came into play who said that she has no right to pass personal comments. This leads to a big fight between the group and Priya.
Priya was successful in diverting the topic to the conversation which took place about Prince and Nora among the housemates in the Sky Lounge. Eventually, Nora got to know who started the gossip about Nora’s sitting posture. She confronted Mandana and asked her for an explanation for her action.
Bigg Boss 9 29th Dec. 2015Mandana said that it was just a joke to which Nora replied that she shouldn’t have been talked about such a sensitive topic. The rest of the group explained to Nora that how Prince has stopped spending time with the rest of the housemates. Nora seemed to get hurt. She said that she will not spend time with him if it affects his game. Thereafter, she broke down and everybody appeared to be consoling her.
Later in the day, bigg boss came up with another luxury budget task title – ‘jewel thief’. All the contestants were divided into two teams. One ‘chor’ team comprising of Keith, Mandana, Nora, and Rishabh. The second team ‘police’ which had Rochelle, Prince, Kishwer, and Priya. Being the captain, Suyyash was assigned the duty of the supervising the task. The ‘chor’ team was supposed to steal diamonds place in the living area.
bigg boss 9 episode 79The thief team was given a secret room but the police team was not aware of it. The thief team had an order to steal those diamonds. On other hand, if police team gets suspicious about someone and find someone with those diamonds, then they can arrest anybody and put them in jail.
The Bigg Boss 9 Day 79 Episode 79 29th December 2015 ended. Stay tuned for latest bb9 news and TV updates. Don’t forget to share.