Agent Carter Season 2 Episode 10 (S2E10) Review: Finale episode of “Agent Carter” season 2 is out, and it just gave us more reasons to believe that it is one of the best shows in the lot, be it comic universe genre or otherwise. Producers of the series picked up a character that didn’t get much footage in the Marvel movies but was complex in itself and they successfully made it even more intriguing and delightful.
It is yet to be decided whether third season of the show would be produced or not, but audience are already asking for more of our AgentCarter. The finale episode did provide a satisfying ending to the season, with loose ends being tied and broken friendships being repaired. We could actually hope for a third season of the show, considering the positive response the show received from critics and audience alike.
Agent Carter Season 2 Episode 10 Review
The episode was titled “Hollywood Ending” and made under the direction of Jennifer Getzinger. It picks up from the scene where the last episode ended. Thompson was threatening his colleagues on gunpoint to fix the machine blocking the detonator. Before Peggy could take any action, the explosion went off due to Wilkes.
Read: Teen Wolf: Season 2 Episode 19 Review.
While inspecting the wreckage, Peggy, Sousa and Thompson discover that Wilkes has survived the explosion and all the Zero Matter has been expelled from his body, which now is floating freely in space and time. But so is Whitney. She finally gets ahold of the ZeroMatter she always wanted and pursues the agents. But her plans are thwarted by Jarvis. Also, Mr. Howard Stark makes quite an entry.
They all then go to Stark Mansion, where Wilkes describes them the experience of Zero Matter. Howard Stark is disappointed that he could not experience the same, which was the most exciting thing for him to do. Wilkes compares ZeroMatter to a disease, adding that Zero Matter is extremely dangerous to our world. Matter of fact, ZeroMatter would also be a prominent position in Dr. Strange movie, releasing towards the end of this year.
Meanwhile, Whitney is obsessed with the Zero Matter, working day and night on formulas and equations to figure out how to open a new rift. She is holed up in a room and is working tirelessly, which is turning her cranky and possibly, insane. This has made Manfredi concerned about her.
Agent Carter Season 2 Episode 10 reviewAll this while, Stark and Carter are trying to device a way to repair the Gamma Cannon. The events that unfold next are a real treat to watch, so I would not disclose them here. Go see them for yourself.