Rajasthan knowledge Corporation Limited (RKCL) organizes RS CFA (Rajasthan State Certificate in Financial Accounting), RS CEL (Rajasthan State Certificate English Language), and RS-CIT (Rajasthan State Certificate Course in Information Technology) examinations.
It provides the eligibility as teaching staff by providing certificates. A very large number of candidates appeared for the examination. The examination was held on 10th july 2016. All the candidates successfully took the examination on the particular date as provided by Rajasthan RSCIT examination.
It is informed to the candidates that the answer key for the set a, set b, set c, set d will be provided soon. It will be provided within 2 to 3 days after the examination by RKCL.
Rajasthan Knowledge Corporation Limited, RSCIT Answer Key, RKCL Answer KeyThey can download the answer key from the official website. The official website is www,rkcl.in. Rajasthan Knowledge Corporation Limited (RKCL) used to conduct the RS-CIT (Rajasthan State Certificate Course in Information Technology) annually.
It conducts the examination thrice in a year. One in February/March another one in July and 3rd time in October month. The candidates of Rajasthan who wants to become a school teacher can apply for the examination.
Every year the huge number of candidates appears in the examination. The Rajasthan Knowledge Corporation Limited has conducted the examination at the various centres of Rajasthan on 10th July 2016.
Candidates who have appeared for the examination are eagerly waiting for the answer key in order to calculate the marks so that they can check their performance in the examination.
- The candidates can check it from the official website. They can also check the answer key and solution to take the estimate idea of their marks as various private institute has released the answer key so that they can also check their candidate’s performance in the examination.
- Many of the coaching centres of Rajasthan has released the answer key very soon after the examination. The candidates can reach the private coaching institute website to check the result.
- Candidates can estimate their marks and ranks in the examination. The candidates have to follow the steps in order to check the answer of the examination held on 10th July 2016.
- The first step is to reach the official website of RKCL. The official website is www.rkcl.in. . Then a homepage will be open for the link of ‘RSCIT Answer key 2016’ tab.
Then click on the link , Answer key for set a, set b,set c and set d. The PDF’s will be obtained on the screen. Select the set you want to check and find out the correct answer. Then estimate the scores and rank for the examination.