UPSC CDS 2 Answer Key 2015 cutoff marks merit list: The exam for the Combined Defence Services (CDS) was conducted to select the deserving and eligible candidates in the Indian Defence Forces like the Army and the Airforce. It took place on November 1, 2015 at various exam centres across the nation.
A large number of candidates appeared for the written examination. So, now who had wrote the paper are eagerly waiting for the official answer keys and results to be released. Whenver it will be released, will be published online on its official web portal. Answer keys help all to evaluate their estimated total marks and thus the results. UPSC is expected to release the same very soon.
UPSC CDS 2 Answer Key 2015
In the meantime, the aspirants can tally their asnwers with the unofficial keys released by various coaching institutes. The key by Career Launcher is provided below. Check it via the direct link present in the article. So, just scroll down and you will get that. As soon as the official 2015 CDS answer keys releases, it will be posted here at the earliest. (watch: Justin Bieber – I’ll Show You.)
Check UPSC CDS II 2015 Answer Key
Earlier this year, UPSC released the notification to hire eligible candidates in the Combined Defence Services. Thus, the examintion was conducted recently. Unofficial answer keys are available on the internet and on this page which have been made available by various private institutions. So, it can be used to get an rough ideas of the outcome to be come.
Steps to Check UPSC Answer Key CDS II 2015:
- Go straight to the offical portal or click on the link provided below.
- Look for Combined Defence Services anwer key 2015.
- The answers will be available on the next screen.
- Get the answers of your respective set.
- Save or download for reference.
UPSC CDS 2 Answer Key 2015Click Here: To Check UPSC CDS II Answer Keys 2015.
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