Kumkum Bhagya 19th November 2015 Episode 421: Pragya finally finds a new boyfriend to compete Abhi


Kumkum Bhagya 19th November 2015 Episode 421: This episode of Kumkum Bhagya was full of recreational scenes. The episode starts with Pragya getting escaped from Abhi. Abhi searches for her and shows his concern towards her when he finally found her.

Abhi made her drink wine unknowingly in order to know the truth. Pragya does a childish drama on bar’s table which makes Abhi tensed off. Flashback was shown of their old memories when Pragya used to drink wine. Pragya asked the googles from a girl and on the Abhi’s request she gave her goggles.

Pragya who was almost in the intoxication insisted Abhi go by jogging. Abhi told the driver to come fast. Abhi and Pragya shared the romantic moments when Abhi was carrying Pragya to the car in which Pragya have shown his love for Abhi. When Pragya wore the glasses, they got an eye lock. He took the glasses from him and Pragya says that he likes it because fuggi used to wear this. Pragya twists up the things when he asked her about her heart.

Kumkum Bhagya 19th November 2015 Episode 421

Dadi worries about both of them, Dasi sees her and asked about for what she is waiting for. Dadi told her that Pragya is gone somewhere with Abhi and she is tensed for Abhi.


Abhi comes with Pragya in the house having her in his arms and throws her on the bed. Pragya cries as she wants to spend her time outside. Pragya tells that she is Katti of her and she will not date him or talk to him. Pragya showed him a boy doll she bought which looks like Abhi and tells that he is the new boyfriend of her. Pragya denied when he asked her about the fact that her new boyfriend looks like him. They shared very funny moments and quality time with each other.

Pragya reveals the truth that she know that Abhi is in pain on being asked. Abhi insists her to answer with all the faith and tell him the truth. Pragya told him that she is hiding something important from him, then Pragya twists the talks and tells that her new boyfriend is in a relationship.

Pragya goes to sleep with her new boyfriend, Abhi took him out and throws on the sofa. Incidentally, the doll comes beside fuggi’s doll.

This was the Kumkum Bhagya 19th November 2015 Episode 421. To watch the 420th Episode Click here. So the new boyfriend of Pragya was none other than a boy doll, would you like the new turn in series?

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